Berachain Airdrop Guide: All You Need to Know About the BERA Airdrop

2024 has been off to a great start, with what many are considering to be the start of the bull market.

As a result, new builders are rising up, bringing new ideas and tech to the ecosystem with the goal of disrupting the industry. The emergence of these fresh projects indicate a start to a period of renewal and potential growth where adaptability and forward-thinking could redefine market dynamics.

One of the biggest of these emerging builders is Berachain. Let's dive in.

What is Berachain?

Berachain is an EVM-equivalent L1 built on the Cosmos SDK and powered by Proof of Liquidity. In addition, their investment looks solid as Polychain, Shima Capital, Hack_VC and others backing them.

It started as an NFT project and evolved significantly, addressing gaps between liquidity and security in the DeFi ecosystem. The platform is designed to defragment liquidity, turbocharge applications, and ensure high accessibility by being interoperable and modular, making it a unique addition to the blockchain and DeFi spaces.

There is also a lot of growth happening on Berachain. They had more than 70 ecological projects in January 2024. Recently, Berachain has also partnered with cross-chain protocol LayerZero and NFT project Pudgy Penguin, two large players in the space. As of Q1, Berachain has a total of $250M in TCVL (total committed volume locked) and is expected to launch Mainnet in Q2 of 2024.

Credit: HC Capital

What is $BERA?

BERA is the network token used for paying gas, while BGT is a governance token but is non-transferrable and can only be acquired by depositing liquidity in the native BEX. Honey is the stablecoin for BERA.

Berachain Airdrop: What you need to know

Although unannounced, there is speculation that Berachain may participate in an airdrop once its mainnet is launched to the testnet early users and adopters as a token of appreciation. Follow the steps below to interact with Berachain and potentially be eligible for the mainnet airdrop!

Here is a simple process on how you can claim the airdrop using QuickNode's facuet:

Step 1:

  • Visit the QuickNode Faucet and claim free Berachain Testnet Tokens. These will be essential for interacting with other dapps.
    • Connect your wallet.
    • Claim Testnet Tokens.

Step 2:

  • Interact with Berachains Dex
    • Connect your wallet.
    • Change the network to Berachain testnet.
    • Go to “Swap” and swap BERA for some HONEY and other tokens.
    • Repeat the swap to STGUSDC.
    • Repeat the swap to WBTC.
    • Repeat the swap to WETH.

Step 3:

Step 4:

  • Supply, borrow, and Deposit
    • Enter an amount and supply of Honey, WETH and WBTC.
    • Select WBTC, and choose an amount to deposit.
    • Click borrow, enter amount, and confirm the transaction.

Step 5:

Step 6:

Although an airdrop is not confirmed nor guaranteed, participating in the testnet will likely help determine the eligibility and criteria.

FAQ: Why QuickNode for $BERA Airdrop?

Public endpoints, while readily accessible, often suffer from instability and unpredictable performance. This can lead to increased downtimes, slower transaction speeds, and unreliable service. In contrast, QuickNode's free endpoints offer a robust alternative. They are engineered to provide exceptional security and reliability, mitigating the risks associated with public endpoints.

Research of Solana node providers saw QuickNode going up against competing service providers like Alchemy, Infura, Chainstack, and four more.

The research tested latency, response times, and data reliability spread across regions and over vibrant sampling data.

QuickNode had the fastest global average response time at 104 ms, almost 3.5x faster than the next provider.