Top Hacks to Reduce Dev Cycles for dApps

dApps need to be rigorously tested for bugs and vulnerabilities before sending to production, because an error in a smart-contract could result in loss of funds, property, records, etc...along with the company or developer’s reputation. So, dApps are tested thoroughly before sending to market for users.

It is a tricky balance because if this takes too long, the team behind the product loses motivation and morale, seeing other products reaching market faster and building momentum, securing a first-mover advantage.

SIMPLE MATH: the longer the development process takes to get to-market, the more salary and other valuable resources are being spent without making a return on a deployed, active product.

A huge part of our purpose here at QuickNode is to reduce dev cycles for your organization and it has been a major part of our story as a bootstrapped organization. So we wanted to share with our community some super powerful tools that we and our partners have found success with.

  1. Heroku: Lets your crew quickly develop and deploy applications without losing time on setting up virtual machines, dependencies and deploying. No need to set up anything, just focus on writing your application code
  2. Smart Contract Templates by OpenZeppelin: OpenZeppelin provides tools to write, deploy and operate decentralized applications. They also can perform security audits on your systems and products.
  3. Truffle Boxes: Dev Tools & pre-made packages for developing smart contracts. Crafted with the finest cacaos.
  4. FreshWorks: complete customer service tool suite that is simple, easy to set up and needs minimal customization.
  5. Business messaging at scale. Helps you build better customer relationships with scalable messaging that provides a more personal experience for your users.
  6. Tailwind UI: Plug & play front-end design: Beautiful UI components, crafted by the creators of Tailwind CSS. Fully responsive HTML components, designed and developed by Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger.
  7. Revue: Connect with your audience & users with this simple and intuitive newsletter platform.
  8. Buidler: Task runner for Ethereum smart contract developers. It works with all developer tools, rather than replace any specific ones. It's the connective tissue, rather than from specific functionality. It's an integration platform for other tools to build upon.
  9. Subspace: A powerful tool for building dApps in your favorite framework. Track events, balances, react to state changes & more. No matter your favorite JS framework, you can use Subspace to simplify your development process.
  10. Create-ETH-App Everything you need to build a dApp under one roof: environments for contracts, React app, and subgraph in 1 command; also #DeFi templates for Aave, Compound, Sablier & Uniswap.

All of these solutions work beautifully, but the make or break for us and our partners is making processes & procedures lean, simple, efficient, transparent, intuitive and scalable. These tools help us achieve that.

Need help with your project or have questions? Contact us via this form, on Twitter @QuickNode, or ping us on Discord!

About QuickNode

QuickNode is building infrastructure to support the future of Web3. Since 2017, we’ve worked with hundreds of developers and companies, helping scale dApps and providing high-performance access to 16+ blockchains. Subscribe to our newsletter for more content like this and stay in the loop with what’s happening in Web3! 😃