Transitioning from Goerli to Sepolia and the Upcoming Dencun Upgrade

QuickNode is excited to help the Ethereum community transition from Goerli Testnet to the Sepolia Testnet. In tandem with the Ethereum Foundation, QuickNode will deprecate Goerli in Q1 2024, pivoting to Sepolia to offer enhanced scalability, lower gas fees, and a robust developer environment.

Key Differences Between Goerli and Sepolia

  1. Support and validation: Sepolia has ongoing support from the Ethereum Foundation and a more predictable network state due to its permissioned validator set.
  2. Network efficiency: Being newer, Sepolia offers quicker sync times and smaller storage requirements for running your own node.
  3. Token supply: Unlike Goerli, which faced token supply issues leading to test ETH gaining unintended value, Sepolia has an uncapped supply of ETH, addressing this issue effectively.

Transitioning from Goerli to Sepolia

For developers, the shift from Goerli to Sepolia is crucial. QuickNode provides easy tools to create a Sepolia endpoint and access ETH for testing. Sepolia’s streamlined and stable environment is conducive to efficient dApp development and testing.

Get Sepolia Testnet Tokens

If you're in need of ETH on Sepolia testnet, the Multi-Chain QuickNode Faucet makes it easy to obtain ETH!

Navigate to the Multi-Chain QuickNode Faucet and connect your wallet or paste in your wallet address to retrieve test ETH. You can also tweet out your request to get a bonus!

The Dencun Upgrade

The Dencun network upgrade marks the end of Goerli as a supported Ethereum testnet. Following the Dencun activation, validator teams will gradually exit, affecting the network's stability. Developers and infrastructure providers are encouraged to migrate to Sepolia for a stable testing environment.

Dencun combines two upgrades: (1) Deneb, the name for the Consensus Layer upgrade, and (2) Cancun, the name of the Execution Layer upgrade. This upgrade will center around EIP-4844 and include a few other proposals.

For more information (along with the EIPs for the upgrade):

Highlights of Dencun:

  • EIP 4844 (proto-danksharding): Aims to scale Ethereum and lower fees for layer 2 rollups.
  • Testnet options: Sepolia for application testing, Holesky for protocol-level testing, and Ephemery for validator setup.
  • Additional technical upgrades: Include EIPs 6780, 6475, and 1153.

Key Dates for Ethereum Dencun Upgrade (Goerli, Sepolia, Holesky)

⏰ ~ January 17th 2024 - Goerli

⏰ ~ January 30th 2024 - Sepolia

⏰ ~ February 7th 2024 - Holesky

*Please note that these dates may change depending on any last-minute updates from the foundation.


QuickNode is committed to supporting the Ethereum community through this transition to Sepolia and implementing the Dencun upgrade. We look forward to continuing our journey to build a robust, innovative web3 future.

About QuickNode

QuickNode is building infrastructure to support the future of Web3. Since 2017, we've worked with hundreds of developers and companies, helping scale dApps and providing high-performance access to 25+ blockchains. Subscribe to our newsletter for more content like this, and stay in the loop with what's happening in Web3!