What is QuickNode API?

Service & Features Overview

QuickNode API is your high-performance access to over 11 blockchains, including Ethereum, xDAI, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Fantom, Solana, Optimism, Arbitrum, Celo, Terra and Bitcoin networks.

Using this API endpoint, developers can access data on the BTC, ETH, FTM, SOL, OP, ARB, CELO, BSC, MATIC, and XDAI blockchains (eg. block info, smart-contract data, accounts), and use it to build, test, and run Web3 dApps.

Get instant access to XDAI, BTC, SOL, FTM, OP, ARB, CELO, BSC, MATIC, ETH MainNet and TestNet networks — register now.

Behind every QuickNode API endpoint sits a global network of nodes — globally-distributed across 10+ regions, geo-balanced, multi-cloud, highly-available & auto-scaling — at your service, on-demand.

Every request sent to your QuickNode API endpoint is intelligently routed to the nearest node cluster based on IP, ensuring lowest latency.

Highly reliable, as the network is distributed across 5 different cloud & bare-metal providers, in US East, West; UK; Europe; India; Singapore and Sydney — with automatic failover in case of an issue.

Our internal monitoring systems make sure all nodes in the network serving requests are healthy, and kick out & replace nodes which are misbehaving.

We also monitor for performance, things like average latency, response time, and http response codes, to ensure every request is served quickly and reliably.

Based on network performance metrics, the network has auto-scaling capabilities to meet virtually any volume, on-demand.

Need the power of 10 nodes to handle your spike in traffic? You got it! Back down to 3 nodes tomorrow? No problem!

All the core network features are baked-in to the cost of usage (take a look at pricing here) — you only pay for what you use!

QuickNode API makes the Web3 infrastructure layer transparent for you.

Simply send the traffic, and we scale to meet your needs — every request is guaranteed to be fast and served from a healthy node nearby.

All you have to do is focus on building the best version of your application, and leave the infrastructure heavy lifting to us!

Ready to Get Started?

After login, you’ll see the dashboard with ability to Create Nodes, Add Team Members, get Chat Support, and manage your Nodes — all in one place.

Clicking on the node will bring you to the Node dashboard, where your Web3 URLs (rpc endpoint, httpProvider & websockets) is shown, as well as Getting Started guides:

For more guides & tutorials, including how to set up with ethers.js, web3.py, ethereum.rb, and write your first smart-contract in Solidity, check our guides page!

How do I set up my code?

Check out our RPC documentation: QuickNode.com/docs

In web3js, for example, copy/paste the httpProvider link like so:

const Web3 = require('web3')

const httpProvider = "https://your-node-name.quiknode.pro/hash/"

var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(httpProvider));

Check out this article for more examples on how to set up your QuickNode.

Ready to get started?

Sign up here 👉 QuickNode.com and get started for free!



See what your node is doing with detailed call/request metrics:


Lock down (or open up) your endpoint. Use a custom domain if you want!

NFT Tools

Easily grab NFT data with a single API call (available on Ethereum and Solana: read more).

Ethereum WebHooks

Monitor smart-contracts for events and get notified in real-time with zero code — just 5 minutes for setup!


Which RPC calls and modules are supported?

Check out the QuickNode Docs for more info!

Does QuickNode API have access to Archive Node data?

Absolutely! Just select the “Archive” add-on at checkout and you’ll have access to all the data since Genesis block.

Using a different provider already?

It’s easy to switch. Just swap your request URL/endpoint with the one from QuickNode — and you're done!

Looking for step-by-step tutorials on how to build with blockchain and QuickNode?

Check out the Guides & Tutorials page!

Develop on Ethereum Now!

Sign up now to access to QuickNode API, and start developing on MainNet or TestNet of the most popular blockchain networks today!

Need help with your project or have questions? Contact us via this form, on Twitter @QuickNode, or ping us on Discord!

About QuickNode

QuickNode is building infrastructure to support the future of Web3. Since 2017, we’ve worked with hundreds of developers and companies, helping scale dApps and providing high-performance access to 16+ blockchains. Subscribe to our newsletter for more content like this and stay in the loop with what’s happening in Web3! 😃